Compassion Meditation

Compassion Meditation Group

Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00 p.m. Eastern, via Zoom

The Compassion Meditation Group includes people from across the University, from undergraduates and graduate students across schools, to faculty and staff, as well as friends in the local community. We gather each Wednesday – ONLY on Zoom -- to cultivate presence and compassion for daily living using a range of mindfulness meditation practices.

Headshot of Bobbie Patterson

Format:  Bobbi Patterson will lead a practice on the first Wednesday of each month from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. This once-a-month practice could include any of the following: breath-based formats, noticing thoughts and emotions, walking meditation, body scans/progressive relaxation, and self-and-other-compassion, and other practices. Our approach emphasizes accessibility. New meditators are welcome!

The format for the following Wednesdays of the month will be shared silent practice. A short reading or saying may be offered on those Wednesdays, but the core of the practice is silent group meditation.

After practice, group members share experiences and ask questions.

For more information, and to receive login information, please contact

To learn more about Bobbi Patterson and her work, please go to her Building Resilience Through Contemplative Practice website

Students sitting in a circle on the floor in meditative pose